Where Are the Old Tweets?

f1a49_twitter-broken-heart-2251I  joined Twitter January,2008 and I have been tweeting mostly about ELT stuff and Web 2.o links.You can easily find your first tweet, but did you know that Twitter can only show your  most recent 3200 tweets (maybe less now)? I have nearly 7.000 tweets and that means that half  of my tweets are rubbish now!

But it’s never too late to back up your future tweets, here are the tools that can help you to save yours:

BackUpMyTweets is a tool to back up your most recent 3200 tweets.This tool also offers you daily backups as well. Just sign in with your name and the service will DM you with a link that takes you to your tweets. You can also back up your mails, pictures or your blog posts.

TweetScan lets you combine your last 1000 tweets with your other tweets from their historical database. You will get a zip folder that you can save on your computer. You can see your replies, DMs,favourite tweets, follows and followers as well.

TweetBackUp lets you see your latest 3200 tweets and your follows. It’s easy to use, it runs over the internet and you don’t need to register. TwimeMachine is a very similar tool.

TwinBox allows you to update your statues directly from your Outlook. You can get updates into Outlook, archive, groups and search tweets, track keywords, manage multiple Twitter accounts and more.

TweetBook is a tool to generate a PDF ebook out of your tweets and your replies. You can also have an XML file as well.

Twistory is a tool to add your Twitter feed to your calender and read your tweets in a personal Twitter diary.It can back up your latest 3200 tweets, and new tweets are automatically added to the calender.

Now, we can all know where the old tweets go,theyall go to our archive!

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