Web 2.0 Way to Tell Your Love
“I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.” Unknown
Are you feeling romantic these days?Valentine’s day is just around the corner and love is in the air…
Here are my suggestions to tell your love to others in Web 2.0 way…
If you don’t have any experience in creating videos with Movie Maker, Animoto can save your life. Upload your pictures or videos, choose a love song from animoto’s song list and tell your love with a picture slide show. Animoto has also new features for Valentine’s Day.
Phrasr is one of my favourite tool on web. You write your sentence and Phrasr finds Flickr images for each of your word. If you do not like the image, you can change it with another one. Here is an example .
Bookr is another site that is featured by Pimpampum. You create and share your photobook using Flickr images. You can write tags to find the pictures from Flickr photos or you can search your name on Flickr to find your own photos. When you find them, you write your text that matches with the pictures. You may want to create your story with this tool.
You can tell your love with AcapelaTV. There are flash animations, you can use text-to-speech feature to make the characters talk. You can make different language selections. It’s a great and an interesting way to show your love.
Glogster will always be a popular tool. You can upload your pictures, videos and songs and decorate it with different animations. Wix is also a similar tool that you can create an online poster of your love.
What about creating a Wordle with love words?You can also use Tagul to create word clouds and these clouds can be in the shape of a heart.
You can create a shape collage with your photos on ShapeCollage and you can choose the heart shape to fit it to this day’s importance.
You can use CardFunk to put your face in flash animations, add your text and send your message to your valentine. They have also special cards for Valentine’s Day.
With BubbleJoy, you can create your own video greeting cards with your own video to tell your love. You can even choose to send it to Twitter directly.
You can use Kakomessenger or LetThemSingForYou to compose songs.
and I wish you a great Valentine’s day with full of surprises, candies and bonbons to make your day the best =)