Getting Married – Virtually

I got married two weeks ago and yes it was my day but my PLN were there to cheer me up on that day. Shelly Terrell flew over Germany to Istanbul for my wedding.  She and ekamin were with me from morning till the last minute of my wedding and Burcu Akyol was there too. They were busy with comforting me, taking my pictures and  filming me secretly. As Shelly is a Wallwisher queen, I was suspecting a Wallwisher for that day. When they showed me the Wallwisher full of lovely and cute messages from very precious members of my PLN, my whole face was lit up with smiles and I couldn’t help crying. But when they told me that people watched the wedding live streaming , this was a big Wow =)

Yes, we’re online to post links, chat, retweet, encourage each other; and it’s amazing how my PLN, YOU, can make my day feel incredibly perfect!  We’re one big family!

Sorry for this late “thank you” but THANK YOU ALL a million times  =)

and VERY special thanks to my dearest friends, Ekamin, Burcu Akyol and Shelly Terrell =) I will cherish forever for this!!

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