Category: ChatGPT

10 Tips to Use ChatGPT

Here are some tips that will help you while you use ChatGPT:

1. Be Specific: Make clear and specific questions or prompts for better responses.


Vague: Tell me about animals.

Specific: What are the characteristics of penguins and how do they survive in cold places?

2. Adjust Temperature: Control creativity by changing the “temperature” setting (higher values for randomness, lower for focus)


High Temperature: Dinosaurs were giant creatures with rainbow-colored spots and magical powers!

Low Temperature: Dinosaurs were real animals that lived long ago and looked like giant lizards.

3. Use System Message: Start with “/s” to set a context and help ChatGPT understand your intentions.


User: /s Science class: The water cycle.

ChatGPT: Sure! The water cycle is the process where water evaporates, forms clouds, and falls as rain.

4. Give Instructions: Include “/paraphrase this sentence” or similar instructions for more precise answers.


User: Explain how to plant a seed in simple steps.

ChatGPT: First, dig a small hole in the soil, then place the seed in it, cover it with soil, and water it gently.

5.Chat Format: Talk with ChatGPT by taking turns as the user and the assistant to get better and coherent responses.


User: What are the planets in our solar system?

ChatGPT: In our solar system, there are eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

6. Avoid Inappropriate Content: Keep it respectful and avoid harmful or offensive content.

User: Create a funny joke about a sensitive social issue.

ChatGPT: I’m sorry, I can’t comply with that request. Let’s focus on appropriate and respectful topics.

7.Fine-tune Responses: If possible, try fine-tuning ChatGPT to better suit your specific needs.

User: Explain the concept of the Theory of Relativity.

ChatGPT: Sure! The Theory of Relativity, formulated by Einstein, revolutionized our understanding of space and time…

8. Limit Response Length: Use “max tokens” to get shorter and more concise answers.

User: Describe what happens during a thunderstorm in a few sentences.

ChatGPT: During a thunderstorm, there are loud noises, bright flashes of lightning, heavy rain, and strong winds.

9.Try Different Prompts: Experiment with various prompts to see different responses.

User: What is the role of bees in the environment?

ChatGPT: Bees play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and helping plants grow…

User: How do butterflies help with pollination? ChatGPT: Butterflies also help with pollination by transferring pollen from flower to flower…

10. Provide Feedback: Help improve ChatGPT by giving feedback on any problematic outputs or errors.

User: @ChatGPT, your explanation of addition needs more examples to understand it better.

ChatGPT: Thank you for the feedback! I’ll add more examples to help with understanding.

Use these tips to make the most of your ChatGPT Interactions! Enjoy.

ChatGPT – New Updates

Here are some small updates to improve our ChatGPT experience.

Prompt examples: At the beginning of a new chat, you’ll now see examples to help you get started.

Suggested replies: ChatGPT now provides helpful prompts for smoother conversation flow. With just a single click, users can now delve deeper into a topic, rendering interactions with the AI model more dynamic and versatile.

Upload multiple files: Ask ChatGPT to analyze data and generate insights across multiple files. (up to ten folders)

GPT-4 As Default Model: Users no longer default back to GPT-3.5 when starting a new chat. The system remembers the previously selected models, making interactions more seamless, efficient, and time-saving for added convenience.

Stay logged in: You don’t have to log in every two weeks. The new login page is more welcoming and user-friendly.

ChatGPT Keyboard Shortcuts: There is a complete list of shortcuts by pressing ⌘ (Ctrl) + /, enhancing productivity and making ChatGPT more accessible to all users.