Digital Natives

I am getting prepared for the course that I’m going to give about technology in e-ducation at British Side in November.I’m excited and very motivated about this. So I have been reading Marc Prensky’s writings. I believe he is a very good observer, thinker and as he says he is a futurist.
He calls our students of today as Digital Natives or as other people calls them D-gen/N-gen. D here stands for Digital, N stands for Net. They are all techies and very good at doing anything on computers no matter whatever their ages are. They have had the internet, computers,laptops, video games,cameras,mobile phones and all the other stuff of the digital age since they were born.They speak entirely a new language like blogging, wikis,feeding items etc.. As a result,our traditional education doesn’t mean them a lot and teacher or schools are not the only source for them to experience learning anymore. They have explored new ways to teach themselves and as a result they have become more autonomous. So what should we do about it? Just ignore them and continue doing the same things that we always do or change our methodology and our content. Of course we should stick to our old content to some extend. They should learn about writing, reading,speaking, literature … But we can improve our content. We can add the future into our curriculum and the future are in the hands of techies…

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